Title: Respect Hook

acast Time: 1:05:50
Youtube Time: N/A

Original Record Date: Unknown
acast Publication Date: May 22, 2024
Youtube Publication Date: N/A

Please Welcome a Man
Who’s just had his dick flicked by a ghost.

Acronym Modification
Richard Herring’s Laurence Stephen Towry Podcast

Cool Kids
I was at Ordsall Hall the other day. The White Lady, Cecily, and Sir John Radcliffe said that they call it…

Guest Best Known
As being the voice of the Vimto Vimtoad.


Better or Worse than Last Week: Better
Like or Unlike Wikipedia: N/A

Member Member Note

Emergency Questions

Have you been on Coronation Street?

I’m in it three times. So actually, at the moment, I’m playing two roles. Yeah, so I once delivered a car to Sally. It was a surprise from Kev. And I delivered the car with a big bow on it, “It’s yours! It’s there!” I don’t know where that came from. That was good. And then I played Dean Upton, the landlord of the Flying Horse, which is – That’s right, on Rosamund Street. Oh, I’ve got a good story for this. Oh, I’ve forgotten his name. Is anybody here a cricket fan? What’s the – What’s Master Blaster’s real name? *JM shoots down suggestion from the audience.* I think it’s Malcolm Marshall. Malcolm Marshall. We’ll just call it Malcolm Marshall. Anyway, I’ll change it. So two days, we filmed this cricket match. And the conceit is, whoever loses pays a forfeit. And the forfeit – mine was going to be if I won I would get Betty’s secret hot pot recipe. Can’t believe Ken Loach had not already done this himself. And if they won, they won my antique space invaders machine from my pub. So at one point there’s a line where we’re losing, and, um, I go, “Don’t worry. We’re going to get our secret weapon now. We have Andy Boling.” And they went, “Who?” I went, “Whatever his name was. Apparently his mum went to Antigua and had a thing with Master Blaster Malcolm Marshall.” And I said to the director, “You are aware that none of the supporting actors are mixed race?” So we had to get a lad who could do the scoring and put and extra line in going, “Well, we’ve had an injury, so the score is coming on for us now and apparently his mum…” No spoiling if you’ve not seen that episode yet. It was about nine years ago. We lost. And then recently I’ve been the voice of Weatherfield FM. So whenever there’s a radio on I go, “Uh, coming up it’s 20 to 9. It’s busy on the Parkway. You’re listening to Weatherfield FM.” But then recently I had to go into the studio to film one. Does anyone watch currently? Yeah, so it was Billy’s marriage, and I interviewed him on the radio. You know, why had he gone against the Church of England to have this marriage any everything else. But we filmed it [unclear], so it’s got this impressive – looked like Abbey Road. The most impressive [unclear]. Yeah, I’d love to be on Corrie full-time. Love it.

Have you ever tried to suck your own cock?

No. Because I’m fat, Richard.

If you could have a hand made of ham or an armpit that dispensed sun cream, which would you prefer?

An armpit that dispenses sun cream. Because I don’t like ham. *RH revises the question so that the hand is made of tofu.* I love tofu. *JM proceeds to provide RH with his favourite tofu recipe.* I’m still going to go with sun cream armpit because  – thank you – because I think, I think skin is very important. I’ve recently, uh, I’ve recently upped my skincare game. Yeah, I have, yeah. I cleanse, tone, and moisturize now. My face, predominately. There’s a lot of me.


Recorded at the Lowry Theatre in Salford.

RH reads from a list of facts about Salford.

RH reads an Amazon review of his book Can I Have My Ball Back? by reader Annie Yu.

RH reveals that when he interviewed Neil Fitzmaurice they discussed Phoenix Nights, but that this piece of the conversation was cut from the final recording.

Ham hand/sun cream armpit question received a loud cheer from the audience.