Title: Cheeky Underground Presence

acast Time: 1:10:48
Youtube Time: N/A

Original Record Date: Unknown
acast Publication Date: May 29, 2024
Youtube Publication Date: N/A

Please Welcome a Man
Who worries he’s awoken something very dark inside himself.

Acronym Modification

Cool Kids
I was hanging around with Thelma and Daphne from Scooby Doo the other day.

Guest Best Known
For his appearance on the advert for Mini Cheddars.


Better or Worse than Last Week: N/A
Like or Unlike Wikipedia: N/A

Member Member Note

Emergency Questions

Would you have liked to have lived in ancient Rome?

No TV, no cry. *RH remarks on the gladitorial contests.* Is it televised? No, it’s not. You’ve got to put your fucking toga on, get in a chariot, queue up at the Colosseum.

What’s your favourite opening for a TV show?

Oh, I wish you had stopped at, “What’s your favourite opening?” *RH tells BM that he can run with that inclination.* Good question, isn’t it? I mean, at night, the one into my bedroom. That’s good. I, um, it’s not quite an opening. I love my football. I love that moment when you get up to the top of the steps and see the pitch. Opening… favourite opening. But the real question was opening. Well, like a lot of people, I remember the Tales of the Unexpected.


This is BM’s fourth appearance.

RH notes that this episode is being recorded after a two-month break for RH, just after Christmas 2023.

RH shows the audience the Histor the Crow puppet that he is donating to the Leicester Square Theatre-run Museum of Comedy.

Bill Bailey was originally booked for this recording, but was not able to attend.

BM tells jokes from a joke book called Old Jokes.