A reference resource for Richard Herring's Leicester Square Theatre Podcast

Category: RH is tired

29 Posts

average audience member, celebrity deaths/tragedies prior to podcast publication, editing the podcast, Emma Watson hands/trapping or distracting pedophiles, Fist of Fun, fucking idiot(s), guest more successful/famous than RH, Hitler Moustache, Jimmy Savile, Lord of the Dance Settee, mid-life crisis/shagging years, no taboo subjects in comedy, put Tim from The Office in it, question #, for those following along at home, RH is tired, Scottish accent, skipping intro/Youtube viewer indicating interview start time, The Best, visual joke, Warming Up

Episode 163 – Paul Chowdhry

don't like British/regional porn, editing the podcast, postman, pushing through the quiet or hysterical stage, raising a super comedian, RH and Stewart Lee children double act, RH concerned he's dead, dreaming, or has Alzheimer's disease, RH is tired, skipping intro/Youtube viewer indicating interview start time, Stephen Merchant podcast, Swansea hotel bedroom toilet, time between shows, typecast as a disgusting, dirty pervert, Welsh accent, wish to be on telly

Episode 116 – Elis James

24 Hours to Go Broke, 70's/80's television, Celebrity Mastermind, Christ on a Bike, cool IRA Brighton Bombing statement, dating Julia Sawalha, double act partner less funny, double act partner more successful, editing the podcast, enjoying recording all moments of RH's life, Frankie Boyle blocking RH on Twitter, insects in theatre, Metro column, mid-life crisis/shagging years, pushing through the quiet or hysterical stage, request that guest provides future guests, RH is tired, Scope, Sliding Doors, Slytherin notebook, Stewart Lee stealing RH's ideas/jokes, terrorist atrocities, The Truman Show, time between shows, visual joke, Warming Up, We're All Going To Die, Wikipedia/IMDB research

Episode 29 – Miles Jupp